SSE Community Discussion Hour: A Tale of Two ESP Practitioners

Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

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Tuesday, Nov 23, 2021 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST

From a Polish engineer to a Chinese teenager: What could the demonstrations of extrasensory faculty of nearly a century apart reveal?

In the September 2021 issue of the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Shen et al. reported “Laboratory Investigations of Extrasensory Identification of Concealed 5-Character Codes by a Presumably Gifted Teenager”. In this SSE Community Discussion Hour, Dr. Daqing (Daching) Piao, Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University, will introduce the details as well as some background information relevant to the laboratory investigations reported in that article. Daqing (Daching) Piao contributed to the article by helping revise the manuscript in English and the analysis of results.

Dr. Piao will also discuss materials from the book A World in a Grain of Sand: The Clairvoyance of Stefan Ossowiecki, which documented demonstrations of similar but broader spectrum extrasensory faculty conducted on a Polish engineer spanning many years before World War II. Attending to the similarities of the conspicuous consciousness states of the two gifted subjects -  nearly a century apart - may help reveal the condition with which the described extrasensory faculty could have been associated.

This talk is part of a series of  community discussion hours hosted by and for members of the Society for Scientific Exploration. This is an interactive event, so please join us with your microphone (at minimum) and video camera (recommended). A virtual social lounge will be open 30 minutes prior and 30 minutes post-event so that SSE members may (re)connect via unstructured small group discussion around our discussion "tables". Note that the Airmeet platform is optimal on a desktop/laptop computer using a Chrome web browser.

Society for Scientific Exploration

Since 1982, the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has provided a professional forum for presentations, criticism, and debate concerning topics, which for various reasons, are ignored or studied inadequately within mainstream science. The SSE also promotes improved understanding of those factors that unnecessarily limit the scope of scientific inquiry, such as sociological constraints, restrictive world views, hidden theoretical assumptions, and the temptation to convert prevailing theory into prevailing dogma. The SSE publishes a peer-reviewed journal, the popular EdgeScience magazine, hosts conferences, and connect scholars through networking events, both online and in person.

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